Celeb Apprentice 2012- Cheryl Tiegs

Cheryl Tiegs was the first to be booted off Celebrity Apprentice. Her comment was that it was an environment where you had to be hard and she did not want to be that way. She is a seasoned business woman, so being hard may not be her style but I am sure the world of modeling was not just easy come easy go! I think having to make sandwiches turned her off and she thought that weeks of manual labor isn’t too cool. Whatever it was, the big lesson for me was when Penn told everyone how to brand the sandwiches. I think it helped them focus on making a better sandwich.  Then he also talked about how their team leader was powerful and not overpowering. They never got to see how tough he could be because they all worked together and went for the goal. The leader also had a secret weapon of ONE person giving over $300,000.

When the Chopper was asked who he would boot off, he picked the one black guy and the one Asian ( and gay) guy. He has no idea what a bad move that was. He exposed his personal biases that have nothing to do with the people actually in his group. George Takei has  seen some hard times and knows how to scrap! Arsenio Hall has too, his jokes are just to throw you off. And now they know exactly how to throw the Chopper off his game when the time comes. Right now the task is beat the women’s team as many times as you can to knock them off, then start gunning for each other.

While the ladies held back their big donors (for their own time when they were team leaders), the men did not appear to do that. I say… did not appear to do that. If each of them has a big gun saved for their own projects they kept that information to themselves, which the women were clearly all holding that game plan. Cheryl was admitted it and also said she didn’t think this was her environment. That sealed her fate and she was fired.

Here is the key! Not every project is based on fund raising, so saving your big guns for YOUR Time at bat, could cause you to lose a LOT of tasks because you never needed them when you were project manager.

Big lesson? Branding is key and being a leader doesn’t have to be done by being heavy handed.

My money is on Penn for the win and on the women’s team I want Debbie Gibson to win. Yes this is a totally biased post.

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