Etta James (RIP)
For Black History Month: An amazing letter from a slave to his former master who asked him to come back and work for him. He calculated how much the slave owner should have paid him and well, its just awesome. Take a moment and read it!
Letter to My Old Master
For National Virtual Networking: Make real connections with people all over the country with TCE. I am a virtual member, the savings card from Office Max saved me $170 the first time I used it. Membership is $40! I made $130! I am not a joiner, so for me to recommend a group means something powerful! Its’ for Job Seekers and Business Owners!
The Career Engineer
The Give-Aways:
They are for people on the email list. A lot of the great things you see on the show, I’ll be giving away. Just follow instructions! Sometimes I have more then one thing, sometimes just the rare one item!
Thanks for being good sports and God Bless, this month Iman (my assistant) says let’s clean the closet!! If this was forwarded to you, get on the mailing list at
The Wright Place TV Show
New Meet Up Group: You can join the Crowd Funding Meet up group for free. There only a fee when you attend a workshop. Members get a list of the business crowd funding sites and start learning how to get money for their business without loans, VC or selling shares of the business. There are so many sites, this will help you get started with one that will take your project. Members get lots of free info from the meet up site. You have to join meet up (free) then become a member of our group (free).
Sponsor the Crowd Funding Meeting on the 15th!
Why be a sponsor? To get more visibility and sell more. Every sponsor get 15 minutes to speak to the group and a table to sell their goods. We can even be creative and add your logo and art work to the handouts or presentation we use. Added bonus!! You’ll be learning more about Crowd Funding! $25 to be a sponsor and be added to the meet up site. Don’t wait, Celebrate your brand with a simple sponsorship!
Tags: black history, business, crowd funding, Dr Letitia Wright, etta james, give aways, Meet up group, Small Business, TCe, The Career Engineer, wright place TV