SOSO Charge Case

February 9, 2016 by  
Filed under Crowd Funding, Front Page



Many of you lose your cable for your mobile phone. With SoSo the cable is part of the cover and you can never misplace it. The cover is on the phone. It works for iPhones and iPads. It stays flat and out of the way. It works in a wall or car adapter. This high quality cover is built to last and withstand daily use. the iPad covers will also convert into stands. The goal is $25,000 to create this. It was designed in Germany.

When you buy a new smartphone, the first two things that you think of are always the same: you need a case, and you need a charger. Without the former, your phone can easily break, and without the latter, you can’t use your phone for very long at all. Thus, it seems like commonsense that these two things be combined. As useful as a phone case is, it would be even more useful if it could simultaneously protect your phone and store the all-important charger.

This great new invention on Indiegogo and they expect to ship in June of 2016.

You can click here to like them on Facebook and then go to the webpage to order yours

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