I Used to be an Imaginary Friend

I used to be an Imaginary friend!

I have been a lot of things at different times in my life. At one point I was an imaginary friend. Here?s what happened.

When I was a teen, still living at home, my parents bought a house on Harriet St in Altadena. When we moved in, the neighbor directly across the street came over and introduced herself. When I told her my name, I said the family nickname that everyone called me back then.

She looked at me strangely and then smiled. She said “You HAVE to meet my mother and sister!” I said ok. I thought she was a really friendly neighborhood.

About a week later, she came over to say her sister and mother were at her house, and asked if I could come over the meet them. So I did. My new friend said ?Tell them your name!? When I told them, their eyes got really big and they just stared at me. My friend looked at her mom and sister and said “Told you she was real!”

It turns out, when my friend was little she had an imaginary friend by the same name! Her family teased her mercilessly, but she always insisted the imaginary friend was real. When I moved in across the street, she was finally vindicated!


3 Responses to “I Used to be an Imaginary Friend”
  1. Walter Paul Bebirian says:

    What a beautiful story – I will never forget that!

    thank you!

    Walter 🙂

  2. Dr. Letitia Wright says:

    Hi Dr. Wright,

    I just read your story “I used to be an imaginary friend” I loved it!
    Letitia I am really looking forward to getting to know you.

    Warm regards,

  3. Dr. Wright:

    You are really the best!

    It was my pleasure to share a few moments with you via phone a couple of months ago. Your suggestion of “knowing my outcome first” is certainly a life-changing way of doing things. I had heard that before, but when you said it, it made things clearer in relation to creating a video – and other things of course.

    This story is absolutely fabulous. So light-hearted and fun!

    I’m going to try to remember it, to tell at Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you — tomorrow and everyday!


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