How to Get People to Do Things
October 23, 2012 by Dr. Letitia Wright
Filed under Featured Articles, Front Page, Wright Ideas
The easiest way to get people to do what you want them to do…
By Seth Godin
is to start with people who want what you want.
Identify, organize and excite people who are already predisposed to achieve what you had in mind and you’re much more likely to have the outcome you seek. It’s far easier (but less compelling) than turning strangers or enemies into customers/voters/supporters/colleagues. Over time, an engaged and motivated base of followers is the single best way to earn more followers.
You used to be stuck with whoever walked in the door or opened your mail. Today, you change minds indirectly, by building a tribe that influences via connections to others.
Comments by Dr. Letitia Wright
This goes for crowd funding and any kind of selling. We are so often trying to give people what they do not want. Our business, our crowd funding has to offer something people want. WIIFM station is always on!