How FoodCycle eco café raised $7,942 in a Week


FoodCycle is an Eco Cafe in London which uses food that

would have gone to a landfill to create a “pay what you can” lunch.

They are only open on Fridays.

This money will help them stay open for another year.

They used the platform.

They used Twitter and had some celebrities support it.

274 people backed this project.

They also used Facebook, Google+, Tumbler, and Linked in

This was a very short project. No doubt they were clear on

their audience and did a lot of pre-planning.

Thom from Channel 4’s Three Hungry Boys visited the café to show their support by

making a video.

Daniel Turi, the FoodCycle Café Co-ordinator, said: “It’s amazing how people came together through Twitter over just five days and raised enough money to keep the café going for another year.

“It shows the importance of the café in the community and we’re now really looking forward to doing more and more in the future.”

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