Eriq La Salle- Law of Depravity

November 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Books, Front Page, Watch the Show Here!

Cast members from E.R. - Eriq La Salle (left) ...

I read a book in September for fun- Laws of Depravity!
It’s available everywhere. Eriq LaSalle the author took some time to talk to
me about his writing process. I know this is not a regular Wright Place Topic however
lots of authors would love to know how it’s done! This has been a very popular video.
enjoy and pick up the book! Find out what’s next for him.

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6 Responses to “Eriq La Salle- Law of Depravity”
  1. Van T. Martinez says:

    Wow, how did you get an interview with him?

  2. Bradley M. Sweet says:

    Now I want to read the book!

  3. David M. Acevedo says:

    It’s more of a mystery than horror. I picked the book up in a store and enjoyed it. I wish there were more about the two detectives.

  4. Alicia D. Chaffin says:

    It’s great to see all of his talents.

  5. Alicia D. Chaffin says:

    So looking forward to the next book! I like re-read good books, and see what I can get out of them a second time.

  6. Interesting. A very different inspiration, darkish! I enjoyed the interview. It is great to hear what makes Eriq La Salle- Law of Depravity thoughts on how he came to write this book. I would like to get the book simply because as he describes the many dimensions of each character, protagonist, “the father” and women’s persona. OK, you got me interested. Don’t normally read this type of book especially taking a Gospels, and, then being inspired to write about a serial killer who kills pastors, some what diabolical and dark, right?

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