Wright Place BlogTalk Radio Podcast on Creating Wealth

Updated from 2008

From The Wright Place Podcast on Blog Talk Radio


This was a testimony that someone emailed to me.

Ann Says: “What an honor to have been part of your program on last – nite! You are doing a great job! I am blessed of God to know you! Blessed that God allowed me to get acquainted with such a jewel.”



5 Responses to “Wright Place BlogTalk Radio Podcast on Creating Wealth”
  1. Tom Humes says:

    Nice Site layout for your blog. I am looking forward to reading more from you.

    Tom Humes

  2. Dr. Letitia Wright says:

    Sunday, July 06, 2008 2:08:30 PM
    I truly enjoyed your show. Very informative and just what is needed for those ready to make a lifestyle change. Thank You Njidek

  3. Jake says:

    This is a great idea. Look forward to hearing more about it.

  4. Sharon Hunt says:

    Nice article, thank you! I really love it!

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