cf Consult

September 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Featured Articles

Your Private Crowd Funding Webinar with Dr. Wright

  • 2 hour private Webinar for you and your team- recorded – The whole team is on the same page!
  • Understand the difference between the 4 types of crowd funding- stay out of jail!
  • Entire strategy, system and structure to get your project fully funded in 90 days or less- get your money and get going!
  • Recommendation on which platform to use- making the wrong choice could cause you to lose all the money you raised!
  • Recommendation on what amount to set your goal for ( based on your assets)  a program based on YOU not on what someone else did
  • Discover the “Secret Sauce” that will make you successful-the one thing no one can duplicate even if they have the same type of project
  • Get all questions answers before you start your project – clear minds reach for success!
  • List of tools needed for your project – know exactly what you need and how to use it


I have worked with many people and I know what works and what doesn’t. I am completely confident I can help you too! Order Today!


After her private webinar, Channelle Yarber says “Thank you so much for everything last night! That information was priceless. I am extremely excited now and feel like I can bring tangibility to my ideas.”

Yes, you could go it alone, spend months figuring it out yourself. And if you fail, you can’t get your tribe to help you again! Don’t risk your reputation, get the information you need and do it right the first time. Order NOW!


One Response to “cf Consult”
  1. Michael says:

    Hello Letitia,
    Thanks for your emails and I am interested in the $250 private crowd funding Webinar that you are offering to take up .
    I have a number of ideas, including distribution for my film (on the website). My team is basically my wife and I !! No staff at this point. Is the private Webinar suitable for this?
    I notice that you have far more expensive options – what will the private webinar lack compared to these others?
    Kind Regards,

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