August Note

August 26, 2009 by  
Filed under A Note for You

So here it is August! We ended the last season of Wright Place TV with an interview with Michael Gerber. I realized, my systems need an overhaul. They were made for when the show was a lot smaller and while I have modified them some, I really need to do a systems makeover for the show.

The next season is the 10th year anniversary of Wright Place TV. I am very proud can happy. I am ready to do a bit of a show make over also. I am incorporating green business information now with The Color of Green episodes. I am working on doing another live show with Lisa Marie Platske as a 10 year celebration.

People’s TV in Atlanta now airs Wright Place TV at 10:30 am every Wednesday morning. So am looking forward to doing some things that are based in Atlanta! There are some great gigs coming up in the fall and of course January 2010, we cruise to Belize!

Check out  for the details on that one. All I can say is, it is one of the best vacations you will ever take because you can make it your own. If you want to hang out, do, if you don’t…don’t.  Great networking from around the world on this cruise. We want to a nice group so Wright Place TV can have its own thing.


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