What are you really Crowdfunding for?

bank robbery

There are so many great tools that are provided as an avenue to be able to assist people further in their pursuit of seeing their project and dreams come true. One such tool that is widely used, but also abused is that of Crowdfunding. Just like with all things it starts out great and then people misuse what they have access to. It is time for people to get an understanding on what crowdfunding is and what it is used for. You can grab my book on Crowdfunding entitled, “Get Crowdfunded Now,” for more details.

So many people are so quick to get funding and do not know how to get Crowdfunded Now the right way. There are so many things that I see that I had to address. It is time for people to act out of a state of integrity as it coincides with their brand and their brand message. What are you saying to your tribe? “Oh, I am going to say it is for a certain project and then use the funds towards something completely opposite of what you set the campaign up for. This happens. Also, trying to crowdfund for campaigns that are not going to make an impact such as (insert an example here.)

You have heard the quote used many times, one bad apple spoils the bunch. It is time to get serious about what your mission is. Don’t try to deceive your tribe of people by trying to crowdfund when you don’t even have the knowledge of what it means to crowdfund and what all is entailed. Ever wonder why so many campaigns are not even done successfully is because they do not truly display what the intention is. Before you start crowdfunding connect with me so that I can ensure that you have the basis on which to start and have a successful campaign.

There are people who have an idea of something that has the potential to really change things and benefit other people. Act with honesty and integrity so that a good resource won’t be ruined. Is what you are trying to accomplish going to impact other people or are you doing to manipulate for selfish gain. There is always the right way to go about doing something and trying to find a way to alter the original intent of crowdfunding is misleading.

For more information on ensuring that you are crowdfunding the right way go to http://www.wrightplacetv.com/speak for an appt with Dr. Wright.

  Book By Dr. Wright

Or get my No-Cost Crowdfunding Resource Guide at www.getcrowdfundednow.com 

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